Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Step Two: Get on Treadmill

 Okay, so I am coming down with a cold.  I was lying in my bed this morning thinking of excuses NOT to run, but the truth is I came up with even more reason to go for it.  So, I threw myself out of bed, laced up my shoes, and got to the gym.  WHEW, I was exhausted just getting myself in there this morning.  I knew that once I stepped on the treadmill this morning, it would be mind vs. body...guess who won?  Actually, I ran a little fast today, so I could run a little less.  Yes, I know, I am only cheating myself.  However, it all worked out in my favor!  I put in my 20 mins, and I got a tad...yes a TAD father than yesterday.  

You know, when I step my lovely lady lumps up on the treadmill, I never really know what my body is going to do, but as long as everyday is as good as, or better than the day before, I'm HAPPY!  Holy run-on sentence, but I HAD to get that point across.  It makes me feel like I am doing something, and that makes me feel really good! :D

Today's Stats
Distance: 1.21 miles

Time: 20 minutes

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