Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Never Enough Time...

Okay, so I'm still running, there is just never enough time in the day to blog about it!  Not running today, though I will be hitting a spin class.  Anyway, here are some things I've noticed my last few times in the gym:

1) I always run in the "fat section".  Yep, it's like all of the out-of-shape people wanna workout near other out-of-shape so they do not look so bad in comparison.  No? Well, that's what I do! *giggles*

2) They more I visualize myself having a great run the night before, the better I do!  A mind is an amazing thing, and I am learning to use it to my advantage! :D

3) No one is really watching you like you (I) think they are.  Okay, maybe one (or two) guy(s) that thinks your hot, but if he's watching, he is NOT criticizing your routine/form.  I know every time I step on the treadmill,  I feel as if everyone in the gym halts just to watch me "run".  I have recently come to the realization that I am simply not that important.  And per usual, I'm okay with that! :D

Until next time, Happy Trails!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Step Three: RUN!

I kicked ass today!!!  Before I went to sleep last night, I just kept thinking "I know I can do it, I will do it tomorrow" and I did it!  A 15 minute mile!! :D  In reality, I only ran for 12 mins, but I did a 15min mile!  Go me!  There was a minute where I felt I was just gonna fly backwards off the treadmill.  Then my song* came on, and time nor pain no longer seemed to exist.  So today, I credit a bit of my success to Adele!  

After hitting this goal, as small as it was, it gives me hope for my larger goals.  You know, running a 5K, being skinny, finding $10,000 to buy a new wardrobe for my fabulously fit body! :D  Seriously though, I know my endurance will not magically increase, and my weight will not instantly decrease, but it WILL happen!  For now, just knowing that it's possible it fine by me!

Song* Rolling In The Deep

Today's Stats:

Distance: 1.27 miles

Time: 20 minutes

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Step Two: Get on Treadmill

 Okay, so I am coming down with a cold.  I was lying in my bed this morning thinking of excuses NOT to run, but the truth is I came up with even more reason to go for it.  So, I threw myself out of bed, laced up my shoes, and got to the gym.  WHEW, I was exhausted just getting myself in there this morning.  I knew that once I stepped on the treadmill this morning, it would be mind vs. body...guess who won?  Actually, I ran a little fast today, so I could run a little less.  Yes, I know, I am only cheating myself.  However, it all worked out in my favor!  I put in my 20 mins, and I got a tad...yes a TAD father than yesterday.  

You know, when I step my lovely lady lumps up on the treadmill, I never really know what my body is going to do, but as long as everyday is as good as, or better than the day before, I'm HAPPY!  Holy run-on sentence, but I HAD to get that point across.  It makes me feel like I am doing something, and that makes me feel really good! :D

Today's Stats
Distance: 1.21 miles

Time: 20 minutes

Monday, August 1, 2011

Step One: Lace shoes

I'm not going to lie to you, I am NOT a runner. I am barely what you would call a "walker". However, I have decided to become a runner...slowly. So this morning, I laced up my running shoes, put on two bras (yes TWO, these things are OOC*) and stepped on the treadmill. So, my plan was to do a 15 minute mile, plus warm up, and cool down. If you know anything about running, or math, you realize that's pretty slow. I mean, I'm 200+ pounds, I'm not about to die the embarrassing death of running. Please note that I while I am only jogging (at best) I consider it running because I am giving it ALL I've got! :D

So I start with a semi-brisk 5 minute warm-up. I think to myself: Okay, this is nothing, I am gonna be skinny by Christmas! At the 5 minute mark, I start my 15 minute mile! *Actual thoughts* [5 mins in] Oh yeah, this feels good. I can do this, I'm 1/3 the way in! [7 mins in] Whew, whew, Okay B, just keep pushing! [9 mins in] Shit, as SOON as this treadmill says one mile, I am kicking it over to cool down! Sooo.... I did not run for my full 15 mins, but I did run 10 mins straight, and the best part of it all, is that, I was not chasing an ice cream truck!!! GO ME!

OOC* - Out Of Control

Today's Stats

Distance: 1.11m

Time: 20mins